
This is a complete guide for Uromy application.

Also, you can find explanation of main idea in about page


Boxes are collection of cards

Create separate boxes for each theme or subject you want to study for better organization of study material

You can have up to 3 free boxes in current version


Cards is main study unit, it contains the question and the answer

Create card for each question or fact you want to learn

You can have up to 300 free cards in current version


Schedule contains card's next repetition time based on study repetition technique

Create card schedule to start learning

Details Something small enough to escape casual notice.

- How to start studying of created material

After card creation it is automatically added to your schedule

How to study the material

  1. Go to Study tab
  2. You can have or not a card to repeat

    2.1 If you do not have card to repeat you get a related message

    Come back later or create a new card

    2.2 If you have card to repeat you get a question from this card

  3. Give an answer to the question from the card
  4. Click Shown Answer button
  5. Compare your answer with the right
  6. Decide weather your answer was right or wrong
  7. Click Right or Wrong button weather your answer was right or not